School ID Cards

School Security Made Easy

Cloud-Based School Visitor Management
and Student Dismissal Software

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Student Safety Solutions

For Schools Across the Country

The most important thing for any school should be the ability to offer an excellent education to the next generation of students. Unfortunately, that has been overshadowed by the growing concern for the safety and security of everyone in the school building while instructing and / or receiving that education. We believe that best way to mitigate these safety risks is by preventing them before they have a chance to occur, and that is where we can help.

Visitor Management

Accurate and reliable reporting on all visitors

Scan Visitors and Students on an easy-to-use, self-service platform while compiling data for student attendance records, volunteer hours, faculty sign-in and sign-out as well as an optional Covid-19 questionnaire and temperature reading input segment.

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Smart Dismissal App

A safe transportation solution

The after-school dismissal solution for campuses across the country. Think about it - We take attendance every day when the children arrive at school but do not have a system in place nor any record to show how our students went home or with whom.

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Bus Rider Software

Easily take account for all students who board the bus

Along with Smart Dismissal App, you will also be able to utilize our Bus Rider application for safely tracing all students who ride the bus.

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Student ID Software

Print ID cards for faculty and students

In addition to creating visitor badges, the SchoolSAFEid Visitor Management system also allows you to create and print permanent faculty and student IDs for your school district.

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Would you like more information?

If you are interested in seeing a demonstration of our system and processes, or would simply like more information on our company and services, we’d love to talk with you. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our System Features

The School Safe ID systems are completely cloud-based, allowing for faster and easier installation times and data collection and gathering. Our systems are designed to be self-service, with check-ins averaging between 10-12 seconds per visitor. In addition to acting as a gateway into your school, our kiosks capture not only visitors, but also students entering the school early/late, acting as an attendance log for your entire school.

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Anxiety over shootings bolsters $2.7 billion school security industry
Mr. John: Dec 04, 2020

Anxiety over shootings bolsters $2.7 billion school security industry

In the weeks following the deadly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, there’s been a lot of talk about how such a tragedy might [...]

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Edmond school district has new visitor check-in system
Mr. John: Dec 04, 2020

Edmond school district has new visitor check-in system

EDMOND — The Edmond school district has launched an enhanced visitor check-in system, called SchoolSafeID, for the 2017-2018 school year. The new system replaces LobbyGuard, which the district used for [...]

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Cushing public schools rolls out new visitor check-in system
Mr. John: Dec 04, 2020

Cushing public schools rolls out new visitor check-in system

On February 18, 2019, Cushing Public Schools will launch a new visitor check-in system, called School Safe ID, to better ensure the safety of all students, employees, and visitors. For the first time, all visitors [...]

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Allison Smith

Allison Smith

Teacher, Country Estates Elementary

I will say it over and over again.....this is the best thing we have ever done! We LOVE it!

Our Schools

Here are a few of the districts we currently work with:

Deer Creek Shawnee Pawnee Crossings URANT ISD Norman Public School Beanty Brochoos NC Street Bros
Deer Creek Shawnee Pawnee Crossings URANT ISD Norman Public School Beanty Brochoos NC Street Bros

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